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Bartok the Magnificent

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Mary Evelyne has fallen in love with the old school, little-remembered non-Disney princess movie Anastasia. It happened to be on the free movies on Comcast On Demand for about a month in January and then it went off. She has been in withdrawal, so her Mama and Pops found it for her at Target this weekend. It is funny hearing her talk about the story, which actually involves the Romanov dynasty in Russia. She is particularly enthralled with a little bat character in the movie, Bartok, who is Rasputin's sidekick. The picture above is from a little spin-off move from Anastasia starring Bartok (as if Anastasia weren't obscure enough). He is a white vampire bat, but because he does not fit Mary Evelyne's expectations of what a bat looks like, she refuses to call him a bat and refers to him as the "piglyish, rabbityish guy". Yes, she has decided he looks like a mix between a pig and a rabbit and no matter how much her Daddy argues with her, she won't give in to the idea that he is actually a bat. Way to stick to your guns Mary E, even if you're wrong. Just like your mother!

2 comments to Bartok the Magnificent:

The Shepards said...


carolineb said...

Pig nose, rabbit ears. I see it Mary E.