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Sunday, January 27, 2008
One of Mary Evelyne's wishes all winter was that it would snow. When Christmas came and went without snow she would say "It's just not going to snow this year." She knows by heart the two things you need for snow (at least this is the best Mommie could come up with, probably not meteorlogically correct): rain and cold. So, when we left her babysitters after work that Thursday afternoon and flakes were coming down, she started yelling "my wish came true, my wish came true". The only problem is that Mommie was about 7 1/2 months pregnant and baby sister has just learned to walk, not a good combo for playing in the wet snow. So, Daddy came home and saved the day and played in the snow. But, Mary Evelyne's sweats didn't hold up too well making snow angels and throwing snow balls (notice the change in clothes that night). We due to get another dose on Saturday and Daniel was absolutely insistent that she have a waterproof coat, gloves and snow boots. We got home from something Friday night around 9pm and he went back out to Target and returned with the most hideous maroon boots for $4.88. He was hilarious and meant that his girl would be ready for the snow, even if she only needed the coat and boots for that one day. Here's some pics of their fun in the snow. Unfortunately, she insisted on knocking the snow woman down before they came in, so she was short-lived.

2 comments to SNOW!:

The Shepards said...

If you want meteorologically correct, I seem to remember Big D taking Weather & Climate on his way to his bachelor's degree. Never mind that we spent so much time working the R&B crossword in the back row of the Physics auditorium that he probably remembers the answer to 47 Down better than anything ME can throw at him.

Kristi said...

Uggh...Weather & Climate...worst class of my college career.