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Another heartbeat

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Well, today we officially saw the third heartbeat to join our family. We are expecting #3 on March 22, 2008 (my birthday). AHHHH! How did that happen? Maggie Beth is just barely 8 months old, so we weren't planning this so soon, but we are thrilled. I think today made it sink in a little for us. Please pray for us as I have never known exhaustion such as this, with two little ones running and crawling around. Daniel has been amazing, doing basically everything around the house, including getting me ginger ale with just the right amount of ice and other weird things I have requested. We'll keep you posted!

7 comments to Another heartbeat:

The Shepards said...

Y'all are aware of what causes this, right?

Anonymous said...

We're thrilled to know that we'll have another great niece or nephew in the spring!
Beth and Brandon said to tell you congratulations. Their surprise #3 heartbeat will be here in a few weeks!

AnnieBlogs said...


Anonymous said...

Like Schoolhouse Rock always said, 3 is a magic number! Congratulations from a surprise baby (I was #4 and my mother was 42!)

Jake said...

WOW!!!! So exciting.... truly a gift...congrats!

Springer and Laura Susan said...

Hooray! Congrats, White Family!

carolineb said...

Y'all do such good work.

I was 6 mo. old when my mom got pregnant with my brother, and we turned out just fine. He was my bestest friend growing up, too!